Baby Rolling Over in Sleep and Waking Up Crying. A Parent’s Guide

Baby Rolling Over in Sleep and Waking Up Crying. A Parent’s Guide

As a parent, it can be incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking to watch your baby roll over in sleep and wake up crying. You may be unsure of how to help, and your nights could quickly turn into sleepless ones. I’ve been there, and I understand the struggle. In this guide, I’ll walk you through what’s happening when your baby rolls over in sleep and wakes up crying, and provide tips that have worked for me and other parents.

We’ll also explore safe sleep practices, and provide you with some top product recommendations from Amazon that might make this stage a little easier. Let’s dive in!

Why Does My Baby Roll Over in Sleep and Wake Up Crying?

Your baby rolling over in their sleep and waking up crying is a sign of development, but it can also be unsettling. So why exactly does this happen?

1. The Baby’s Developmental Stage

At around 4 to 6 months old, babies begin to develop the ability to roll over. This is a crucial milestone in their physical development, indicating that their muscles are getting stronger. However, at this stage, they may not have fully developed the skill to roll back. This can lead to frustration and wakefulness, as your baby becomes “stuck” on their stomach and unable to roll back to their preferred position.

1. Encourage your baby’s motor development by allowing plenty of tummy time during the day.

2. Use a firm, flat sleep surface free of loose bedding to reduce the likelihood of your baby becoming uncomfortable after rolling.

3. Invest in a weighted baby sleep sack that helps calm the baby and mimics your touch, offering a more comfortable sleep.

4. Regularly monitor your baby’s motor development and consult your pediatrician if they seem to struggle too much with rolling back.

5. Give your baby a few minutes to see if they can adjust on their own, which helps them learn how to roll both ways without becoming frustrated.

2. Lack of Motor Control

Even though your baby can roll onto their stomach, they might not have the control to roll back, which can lead to distress and crying.

3. The Startle Reflex

The startle reflex, or Moro reflex, can also cause your baby to wake up crying. This reflex typically fades after 6 months but can still disrupt sleep in some babies.

Is It Normal for Babies to Roll Over in Their Sleep?

Yes, it’s perfectly normal for babies to start rolling over during sleep. However, it can lead to some sleepless nights for both baby and parents until your baby masters the skill of rolling back and forth comfortably.

1. When to Expect This Behavior

Babies usually start rolling over around 4 to 6 months of age. Some may start earlier, while others may take a little longer.

2. Baby’s Sleep Cycles

During this stage, your baby may also experience disrupted sleep patterns as they adjust to their new physical abilities. This can be difficult for both you and your baby.

1. Create a consistent sleep routine. A familiar routine helps your baby understand when it’s time to sleep, even during developmental changes.

2. Dress your baby appropriately for sleep. The HALO Sleepsack is a great option that offers gentle weight to help your baby feel secure, mimicking a parent’s comforting touch.

3. Allow your baby to practice rolling during the day, so they get more comfortable with the motion during sleep.

4. Use a white noise machine to help drown out other distractions and help your baby settle into sleep.

5. Give your baby time to adjust. It can take a few weeks for your baby to get used to their new ability to roll, and for their sleep patterns to stabilize.

Why Do Babies Wake Up Crying After Rolling Over?

Waking up crying after rolling over is common because your baby may feel stuck or uncomfortable, especially if they end up in an unfamiliar or awkward position, like on their stomach.

1. The Frustration of Being Stuck

Your baby may be able to roll onto their stomach but not yet back onto their back, which can cause frustration and lead to crying.

1. Provide plenty of tummy time to strengthen your baby’s neck and core muscles, so they learn how to roll both ways.

2. Offer reassurance during the night. Gently soothe your baby, but try to avoid picking them up immediately unless necessary. This encourages self-soothing.

3. Ensure your baby’s crib or sleep environment is safe. Remove any extra blankets, pillows, or stuffed toys that might obstruct them or cause discomfort.

4. Practice placing your baby down on their back and letting them try to roll onto their side or stomach on their own during the day.

5. If your baby wakes up crying, try to give them a few moments to see if they can settle themselves before intervening.

2. Overstimulation and Discomfort

Rolling over might be new and exciting for your baby, but overstimulation can lead to discomfort and make it hard for them to settle back to sleep.

How to Help Your Baby Sleep Better Without Rolling Over

1. Encouraging Safe Sleep Practices

Safe sleep is crucial during this stage of your baby’s life. Always place your baby on their back to sleep, and ensure the crib is free of pillows, blankets, and toys.

1. Use a sleep sack baby like the HALO Sleepsack, which helps babies feel secure without rolling as much.

2. Ensure your baby’s room is a comfortable temperature, including ideal humidity levels. Overheating can make your baby restless and increase the chances of waking up crying.

3. Avoid sleep positioners, as these are not recommended by pediatricians and can pose safety risks.

4. Consider a baby sleep pod for daytime naps, but always monitor your baby when using one.

5. Make sure your baby is dressed appropriately for sleep. Learning how to dress baby for sleep is essential for their comfort and safety.

2. The Importance of Sleep Sacks

Sleep sacks are great for keeping your baby cozy without the risks that come with loose blankets.

What to Do When Your Baby Wakes Up Crying After Rolling Over

It can be alarming when your baby wakes up crying after rolling over, but there are ways to handle the situation calmly.

1. Calm Reassurance

Stay calm and reassure your baby. Sometimes, all your baby needs is a gentle pat or soothing words to fall back to sleep.

2. Tummy Time During the Day

Make sure your baby gets plenty of tummy time during the day to strengthen their muscles and improve their ability to roll back and forth comfortably.

1. Invest in a baby play mat designed to encourage tummy time and motor development.

2. Be consistent with tummy time. Even just a few minutes a few times a day can make a huge difference.

3. Make tummy time more engaging by introducing sensory toys and mirrors to capture your baby’s attention.

4. Use a baby rocker sleeper during awake times to help your baby strengthen their muscles in a seated position.

5. Always supervise your baby during tummy time to ensure they’re safe and comfortable.

Preventing Rolling Over in Sleep

While you can’t completely prevent your baby from rolling over in their sleep, you can take steps to reduce how often it happens and help them feel more comfortable when it does.

1. Utilizing Safe Sleep Surfaces

Make sure your baby’s crib or bassinet has a firm, flat surface with no loose bedding.

2. Adjusting Baby’s Sleep Environment

A comfortable sleep environment can make all the difference in whether your baby rolls over and wakes up crying.

Recommended Products

1. HALO Sleepsack – This sleep sack baby is perfect for keeping your baby snug and reducing rolling.
2. Love to Dream Swaddle Up – A gentle way to swaddle your baby and reduce the startle reflex.
3. Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine – Helps create a soothing sleep environment.
4. Graco Premium Crib & Toddler Mattress – A breathable, firm mattress that’s perfect for safe sleep.
5. HALO 100% Cotton Sleepsack Swaddle – Ideal for transitioning out of the swaddle.

Common Mistakes Parents Make

It’s easy to make some common mistakes when dealing with a baby that rolls over in their sleep and wakes up crying. Here are a few things to avoid:

1. Overreacting to Normal Sleep Patterns

As difficult as it is to see your baby wake up crying, it’s important to remember that rolling over is a normal part of development. Overreacting might disrupt your baby’s sleep further, so try to stay calm and provide gentle reassurance.

1. Practice being patient when your baby wakes up. Allow them a few moments to see if they can soothe themselves.

2. Avoid rushing to pick your baby up immediately. Sometimes, all they need is a little time to adjust and find their comfort.

3. Use tools like a weighted baby sleep sack to make your baby feel more secure and help prevent excessive rolling.

4. Keep your baby’s crib or bassinet clutter-free. Avoid using loose blankets or stuffed animals that might cause additional discomfort.

5. Remember that every baby is different. What works for one baby may not work for another, so be flexible and open to trying new approaches.

2. Ignoring Safe Sleep Guidelines

It’s essential to follow safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Always place your baby on their back to sleep, even if they’re now able to roll onto their stomach during the night.

1. Always place your baby on their back to sleep, even after they learn to roll over. This reduces the risk of SIDS.

2. Make sure your baby’s sleep surface is firm and free of any soft bedding or objects that could obstruct their breathing.

3. Dress your baby appropriately for sleep. Knowing how to dress baby for sleep can make a big difference. Overheating can make your baby uncomfortable and more likely to wake up crying.

4. If your baby can roll both ways, you don’t need to reposition them once they roll onto their stomach, but always start them on their back.

5. Avoid using sleep positioners, which can pose a risk to your baby’s safety.

How Long Will This Phase Last?

Like many aspects of parenting, the phase of your baby rolling over in sleep and waking up crying is temporary. But how long can you expect it to last?

1. Developmental Milestones Ahead

Most babies master the skill of rolling over by 6 to 7 months, though it can vary. Once your baby has better control over rolling both ways, they’ll likely stop waking up as frequently during the night.

1. Encourage your baby’s development by allowing them to practice rolling during the day. The more comfortable they get, the easier sleep will be.

2. Be patient! This phase can be tough, but it will pass as your baby continues to grow and develop.

3. Stick to a sleep routine. Consistency will help your baby adjust to their new abilities more quickly.

4. Celebrate small wins. Every time your baby rolls over and settles themselves, it’s progress!

5. If you’re concerned about your baby’s sleep or development, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for reassurance or advice.

Reviews and Tips from Other Parents

Sometimes the best advice comes from fellow parents who have already been through the same challenges. Here are some real experiences and helpful tips from other parents dealing with babies rolling over in their sleep and waking up crying:

– Anna. “Using a sleep sack baby made a huge difference for us. It was like magic — my baby finally started sleeping through the night without waking up from rolling over.”

– John. “We struggled when our baby started rolling over and waking up crying. What worked for us was increasing tummy time during the day. After a couple of weeks, she got much better at rolling back and forth on her own.”

– Emily. “I was worried about my baby rolling onto her stomach, but our pediatrician reassured us it was fine once she could roll both ways. Now we use the HALO sleepsack, and she sleeps much more soundly.”

– Mike. “When our baby started rolling over and waking up crying, we found that using a white noise machine helped soothe him back to sleep quickly.”

– Samantha. “My baby would always wake up crying after rolling over in her sleep, but we started using a firm crib mattress, and it made all the difference. Now, she hardly ever wakes up at night.”

Top Recommended Products

Here are some top-rated products that can help you and your baby during this challenging phase:

1. HALO Sleepsack – This sleep sack is a game-changer for helping babies feel secure and sleep better without frequent rolling over.

2. Hatch Rest+ Baby Sound Machine – Provides calming white noise that can help soothe your baby to sleep and prevent wake-ups.

3. Newton Baby Crib Mattress – A breathable, firm mattress that provides a safe sleep surface for your baby.

4. Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit – Helps babies transition out of the swaddle while keeping them cozy and comfortable.

5. Skip Hop Silver Lining Cloud Baby Play Mat – Perfect for tummy time and helping your baby build muscle strength during the day, which can aid in their rolling skills at night.


While dealing with your baby rolling over in sleep and waking up crying can be exhausting, it’s a normal part of their development. This phase is temporary, and with patience and a few adjustments to your routine, your baby will soon settle into more peaceful sleep. Focus on safe sleep practices, provide plenty of tummy time, and consider investing in some helpful products to ease the transition.

Remember, every baby is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Be flexible and patient, and this phase will pass before you know it.


1. Should I stop swaddling my baby when they start rolling over?

Yes, once your baby starts rolling over, it’s important to stop using a traditional swaddle and switch to a sleep sack, such as a weighted sleep sack baby, which allows more freedom of movement.

2. How can I get my baby to sleep in their bassinet instead of my arms?

To help your baby sleep in their bassinet, establish a calming bedtime routine, use a sleep sack, and ensure the bassinet is comfortable and free from distractions.

3. Is it safe if my baby rolls onto their stomach while sleeping?

If your baby is able to roll both ways (onto their stomach and back), it’s generally safe for them to sleep on their stomach. However, always place them on their back to start sleep.

4. How can I tell if my baby is too hot while sleeping?

Signs baby is too hot while sleeping include sweating, flushed skin, and a fast heartbeat. Make sure to dress your baby appropriately and avoid overheating.

5. When will my baby stop waking up after rolling over?

Most babies stop waking up after rolling over once they master the ability to roll both ways, which usually happens by 6 to 7 months.

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Pat Anderson

Parenthood is a transformative journey filled with love, challenges, and countless precious moments. From pregnancy and newborn care to toddler tantrums and teenage milestones, I cover a wide range of topics, offering practical tips, personal anecdotes, and helpful resources. Together, let's embrace the joys, conquer the challenges, and create a nurturing and loving environment for our little ones to thrive.

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